2022.10.31 Nagoya

Sakae Atelier: A Place of Lasting Memories

For both of you, selecting a ring is a once-in-a-lifetime experience.


I imagine you'll arrive at the atelier with hearts fluttering in excitement and anticipation.


Some may feel a bit anxious about this new experience.


Today, let me share a bit about the ring selection process at ith and our atelier.



At ith, we welcome you both into a spacious and relaxing environment, designed to make your ring selection experience enjoyable.


Once seated, take a moment to look around.



The chairs you sit on, the soft lighting – each element has its own unique character and warmth.


This warmth mirrors that of ith's rings, each meticulously handcrafted by artisans.

In this space, tailored just for you

The table where we guide you is remarkably simple.



After discussing your preferences and ring styles, we'll bring a wide selection of rings to your table.


We opt not to use display cases, so you can freely try on various rings without hesitation.



Enjoy trying on different rings to find what suits you and your partner's tastes.


You might say, "I like a ring with a comfortable curve" or "We want matching textures."


Once you've pinpointed your preferences, you'll naturally start discussing what kind of ring you'd like and what feels most 'you'.


Our concierges are here to assist you in this journey.



A Place for Lifelong Engagement

More than just trying on rings, our atelier is here for delivery, maintenance, and to build a long-lasting relationship with you.


I hope the time spent in our atelier will become a cherished memory of your marriage.


Flowers for every season await to welcome you always.



Conceirge: Yamaguchi

Nagoya Sakae Atelier


Sakae Atelier: A Place of Lasting Memories