2022.09.05 Jewellery Column

Explaining Wedding Rings in Detail: Understanding Their Meaning, History, and Choosing the Perfect Ring You Truly Desire

Exploring the Lesser-Known Aspects of Wedding Rings

Even without a wedding ceremony, many desire a wedding ring. With COVID-19 diversifying wedding preparations like ceremonies and photo weddings, an increasing number of couples view buying wedding rings as a significant milestone.

A wedding ring worn on the left ring finger is so ingrained in everyday life that it's seen as a sign of having a partner. Because it's something to accompany you through life, it's natural to wonder, "Which ring should I choose to avoid regret?"


Why do we wear wedding rings? Are they truly necessary? Understanding the meaning behind wedding rings can reveal their true significance and help you find the one that suits you best.

Unraveling the History of Wedding Rings

Wearing wedding rings has become so ingrained in our culture that many people see it as a given once married. But do you know when the tradition of exchanging rings between partners began? Let's delve into the history of wedding rings.

Origins of the Wedding Ring

There are various theories about the origin of wedding rings, but they were known to exist during ancient Greece. Around the 9th century during ancient Rome, it is said that Pope Nicholas I decreed that a ring was a requirement for marriage as a symbol of love.

By the 13th century, the custom of exchanging rings between men and women at marriage had already taken root in Europe.

With Modernization, to Japan

With modernization, the concept of wedding rings came to Japan around the time of the Meiji era's opening to the world. Initially, the custom did not take hold immediately but spread widely after World War II, during the westernization of Japanese lifestyle, especially as Western-style weddings became popular. By the 1960s, wearing wedding rings had become a common practice in Japan.


What is the Meaning of Wedding Rings?

In ancient Greece, wedding rings were tied to the concept of a contract and served as its proof. A popular belief at the time was that a vein ran directly from the heart to the left ring finger, dubbing it the "vein of love," thus positioning the wedding ring on this finger symbolized love.

Meaning of the Wedding Ring in Modern Times

As a longstanding symbol of love, wedding rings remain cherished today as emblems of eternal love and commitment. Wearing a ring on the left ring finger not only signifies the presence of a partner but also serves as a public declaration of one’s marital status, communicating to others that "I am married."

The Meaning of Exchanging Wedding Rings

Historically, the tradition of exchanging wedding rings was practiced during Christian wedding ceremonies. Today, this custom is important in various ceremonies, including civil and Shinto weddings, showing its significance in matrimonial rituals.



Initially a symbol of contract, the exchange of wedding rings has evolved into a mutual gift, reflecting the shift from public to private aspects of marriage. Modern couples often feel a deep realization of their marriage when they exchange rings, which are seen as symbols of their commitment and shared life.


Why Rings are the Mark of Marriage?

While various types of jewellery like necklaces, bracelets, and earrings exist, rings became symbols of marriage largely due to their shape.

A ring, being a circle, has no beginning or end, symbolizing eternity and the natural cycles of the world like seasons and moon phases. Additionally, the hands and fingers are expressive parts of the body, used in gestures that convey personal and emotional messages, making rings ideal for expressing marital commitment.


Exploring the Various Names for Wedding-Related Rings

Are you familiar with the differences between a wedding ring and an engagement ring, or have you heard of the term "marriage ring" for the first time?

There's often confusion around the names associated with wedding rings, so let's sort through them.

What is a Wedding Ring?

The term "marriage ring"  translates to "marriage," "matrimony," "married life," and "spousal relationship," and symbolizes a pairing to be worn together by partners. 


In the U.S., "wedding band" is common, while "wedding ring" is the term used in Europe. "Wedding" pertains to marriage-related events, hence its application in terms like "wedding ceremony," "wedding reception," "wedding dress," and "wedding cake."

Despite the varying terms, "marriage ring," "wedding band," and "wedding ring" all refer to a wedding ring. In jewellery shops, saying "wedding ring" will universally be understood.

What is an Engagement Ring / Engagement Ring?

An engagement ring, commonly referred to as an "engagement ring," is typically given by a man to a woman during a marriage proposal as a symbol of engagement. These rings often feature more ornate designs with diamonds or other gemstones compared to wedding rings.


Is There a Specific Finger to Wear the Wedding and Engagement Rings?

Many may think that wedding rings must be worn on the left ring finger, but actually, there's no strict rule specifying which finger they should be worn on. Why, then, has wearing them on the left ring finger become so common?

Reasons for Wearing the Wedding Ring on the Ring Finger of the Left Hand

Previously, I mentioned that in ancient Greece, it was believed that a vein ran directly from the left ring finger to the heart. This connection might be one reason rings are worn on this finger as a symbol of deepening bonds with a loved one.


Additionally, the ring finger was also called the "medicine finger" in some cultures, thought to have healing properties and associated with magic. Wearing wedding rings on this finger was seen as a sign of eternal love, a tradition enriched with tales of its potent powers.


In daily life, the ring finger is less likely to interfere with activities due to its limited range of motion. This practical aspect, combined with the fact that most people are right-handed, means the left hand is less prone to injuries or losing the ring.


Globally, the tradition of wearing wedding rings on the left ring finger is prevalent, but countries like Germany and Austria may wear them on the right or switch rings at different stages of engagement and marriage. This variability highlights that there's no strict rule globally on which finger to wear wedding or engagement rings, as customs vary by culture and religion.

The Meaning Behind Where You Wear Your Ring

Have you heard that recently, the effects and meanings of wearing a ring can vary depending on which finger and on which hand it's worn? Although this involves a strong element of superstition, it has broadened the enjoyment of wearing rings, serving as an interesting aspect to consider when choosing where to place them.

Right Hand: Has a spiritual meaning such as "to improve concentration

Right thumb (Thumb Ring): Exhibits leadership and maintains convictions.

Right index finger (Index Ring): Enhances concentration and action.

Right middle finger (Middle Finger Ring): Repels evil (serves as a charm) and increases inspiration.

Right ring finger (Anniversary Ring): Stabilizes the heart and fulfills romantic love.

Right pinky (Pinky Ring): Boosts charm and allows one to express their true self.

Left Hand: Has a practical meaning such as "seizing opportunities

Left thumb (Thumb Ring): Upholds beliefs and helps realize intentions.

Left index finger (Index Ring): Increases assertiveness and provides mental stability.

Left middle finger (Middle Finger Ring): Enhances cooperation and improves relationships.

Left ring finger (Anniversary Ring): Deepens love and bonds, and fulfills wishes.

Left pinky (Pinky Ring): Attracts opportunities for romance.

How to Choose a Wedding Ring

Choosing a wedding ring that you'll love for a lifetime can feel daunting, especially since it's usually a first-time experience. Here are some points to consider when selecting one.

Should you wear it all the time? Episodes in History

While wearing a wedding ring daily is common and generally accepted even in conservative business settings, there are no strict rules that you must wear it continuously. In the past, removing a wedding ring was not customary, as it symbolized the bond of marriage. However, there are professions that prohibit wearing any rings, so it's not mandatory to wear it at all times.


In medieval Germany, there was a belief that likened the wedding ring to a couple's love. It was said that if a woman removed her wedding ring, it signified her love for her husband cooling and could lead to marital discord. Additionally, there's a legend that if a wedding ring broke naturally, it was a sign that one's partner had been unfaithful. Reflecting on these old tales can add a special sense of meaning and tradition to the wearing of wedding rings.

Points to Keep in Mind When Wearing the Ring on a Daily Basis

Wearing a wedding ring daily not only solidifies the feeling of marriage but also brings a sense of motivation to many. Some people feel that wearing it enhances their social credibility. However, continual wearing can lead to the accumulation of sweat and oils, dulling the ring's shine. It's advisable to gently wipe the ring with a soft cloth and check for any distortion or loose stones.


Additionally, some jewellery shops offer ring polishing services, which it's wise to inquire about at the time of purchase.

On Choosing the Material of the Ring

Wedding rings are typically made from precious metals like platinum and gold, valued for their resistance to discoloration, deformation, and degradation. Platinum, with its near-white appearance that doesn't interfere with the clarity of diamonds, has been heavily favored in Japan for bridal rings. Recently, influenced by fashion trends, gold has also seen a rise in popularity.


The choice of material and color significantly impacts the design, and with no fixed rules internationally, it's best to choose according to personal preference and intended lifelong use.

About the Design

Many people prefer simple designs for everyday wear in wedding rings, opting for more ornate gemstones like diamonds in engagement rings, and choosing durable, timeless styles for wedding bands to enjoy versatility.


Additionally, many jewelers offer personalization options such as engraving initials or significant dates. For those desiring truly unique pieces, custom-made rings are an option, providing a special symbol of love that's always in sight.

The More You Know, the More You Love Wedding Rings

Many wear them not knowing why, assuming it's just what one does when marrying. Understanding the history and significance of these rings can help you make a clearer choice between wedding and engagement rings.


May the wedding ring you choose always be a cherished symbol of your eternal love, always close at hand.



Explaining Wedding Rings in Detail: Understanding Their Meaning, History, and Choosing the Perfect Ring You Truly Desire