2024.08.22 Ohmiya

Wedding Rings Sparkling Like an Oasis

It’s a season of intense heat and dazzling sunlight, with the cicadas’ cries adding to the summer ambiance.


This post is about a couple who got married in the summer.

The Rings with a Dune-like Texture

The wedding rings chosen by the couple are called “Deserto.”

They feature a soft, dune-like texture with gentle contours.

Despite their multifaceted nature, the simplicity of the design matched the couple’s taste.



Originally, the “Desertodesign had a smooth, matte finish created using glass particles, known as honing.

However, the couple decided to modify the texture to give the rings a more traditional wedding ring feel.


Mirror Finish Like a Sparkling Water Surface

The couple opted for a shimmering mirror finish on the surface.

They preferred this glistening effect for a more traditional wedding ring look.



The couple also chose to have star engravings on the rings, akin to a quietly shining oasis in the desert.

Additionally, the bride’s ring features a diamond,.

The positioning of the stars was carefully considered to enhance the three-dimensional effect and brilliance of the rings.

The Anticipated Meeting with the Rings


Later, the couple shared their joy: “Meeting the rings was a moment we will never forget.”

Being part of such a significant moment in their lives made me feel truly grateful as a concierge.


The “Deserto” rings carry a message of wishing for a bright and clear future, symbolized by the rarity of rain in the desert.


The wedding day was also blessed with beautiful weather.

I hope that their future continues to be filled with clear, sunny days.


Wishing you a lifetime of happiness!


Concierge: Matsuoka

Ohmiya Atelier


Wedding Rings Sparkling Like an Oasis