2024.08.16 Shinjuku

Thorough Comfort in Simple Wedding Rings

When the couple visited our atelier, they had a clear vision for "simple" rings.


However, simplicity in rings can vary greatly, from rounded to flat shapes.


"Rounded designs look cute, don't they?"

"Flat shapes are cool but might not be comfortable to wear."





During the fitting, they realized their perfect simple shape. 

The Best of Both Worlds: Style and Comfort in Ring Design

They chose "Da Capo" with a subtly rounded shape, but not too cutesy.


Having rarely worn rings before, comfort was paramount.

A slight curve ensured the rings would blend seamlessly with their hands.


More Ideal Comfort

In addition to the shape, the thickness of the ring greatly affects how comfortable it feels to wear.

The couple mentioned they haven't worn rings much, so we adjusted the thickness slightly thinner than usual, crafting it to feel more natural and less obtrusive on their fingers.


We used a forging method, a technique that ensures high durability, allowing us to reduce thickness without compromising the ring's strength, ensuring a comfortable wear.





With both shape and thickness considered, the design encapsulates their preferences within its simple aesthetic.


Even if they're not used to wearing rings yet, I look forward to seeing how this wedding ring will become a natural part of their daily life, comfortably blending with their hand.


Concierge: Kakuno


Shinjuku Atelier


Thorough Comfort in Simple Wedding Rings