2022.01.28 Singapore

Elegant wedding rings chosen with the future in mind.

I fell in love with the hammered ring at first sight."


When we first met.

I remember you telling me that with great vigor.

I remember well.


I remember that you told us so with great enthusiasm when we first met.

As we tried on the rings

the image of their wedding rings gradually changed.

the image of their wedding rings gradually changed.



The last two choices

The design of the hammered ring and the wedding ring

The hammered ring and the design that is typical of wedding rings.


Because it's a wedding ring that we will wear together

I thought it would be better to have a design that was close to ours.


"I wonder if I can imagine myself wearing it decades from now."


Because these are the rings that will be with us for the rest of our lives.

The two of you must have had a lot of time to think about it.



And what the couple chose was

Mobius UnoandMarcato.


We want to wear them together for a long time.


They said, "We want to wear it together for a long time.

"We want to wear them together for a long time," they said, and chose a simpler, more elegant design with matching diagonal lines.

and the diagonal lines are matching.


The woman chose to add her favorite engraved pattern

instead of diamonds, which was a favorite of the woman.

the design was more to her liking.



It was very special.


After the delivery

As the creator, I was very happy to hear her words.

We are very happy to have received these words from the creator.


I hope that ith rings will be with the couple on their new start

ith rings will be with you on your new beginning.

I am very happy and honored to have ith's rings with them in their new beginning.


I wish you many years of happiness!


Funatsu, creator






Elegant wedding rings chosen with the future in mind.