2022.07.18 Singapore

Wedding rings chosen with an emphasis on a sense of matching, which the two of you were able to achieve because you are two people.


The couple was looking for a ring for their wedding day.

They were looking for a ring for their wedding day.


When they visited our atelier

the design of the rings and the atmosphere of the atelier

the design of the rings and the atmosphere of the atelier

and the atmosphere of the atelier.


Points to be cherished

The two of you had slightly different points

The two of them had slightly different points that they both wanted to value.


The man said that

Because it is something that will be worn for a long time, he wanted to know how to handle the ring and the properties of the metal.

and the characteristics of the metal, because it is something they will wear for a long time.

There were a few points of concern.


What kind of changes will occur to the ring?

How does it get scratched?

While resolving your concerns one by one

You chose a design while resolving your concerns one by one.





Women were hoping to stack the rings with their engagement rings.

She wanted to wear it on top of her engagement ring.


Because it is an important gift from a man, it is important to wear it together with the wedding ring.

She said she would like to be able to wear it with her wedding ring

She told us that she wanted to wear it together with her wedding ring because it was a precious gift from her man.

A simple, wedding-ring-like design

The couple was looking for

a design that is both simple and wedding band-like.


They chose

Tremolo, which features a hexagonal cross section called a shinogi.

Tremolo, which is characterized by its hexagonal cross section.


In addition to its crisp appearance

the form without corners is designed to be comfortable to wear.

the design is also comfortable to wear.





The trouble with "Tremolo" is that it looks like the same thing.

A man was attracted to the Tremolo design.

Women who had chosen a design other than Tremolo.


The two of them wanted to have the same design and shape.

They wanted exactly the same shape and design.





During the trial fitting, we listened carefully to the other person's voice and

and thought about the feelings of the other person.

and always cared about their partner's feelings.


But that is precisely why

there were a few times when they were torn between the two.

Compatibility with the engagement ring

The key point was the compatibility with the engagement ring.

The key point was the compatibility with their engagement rings.


Your engagement ring had an edgy shape.

The shape of your engagement ring had an edge to it.





A woman who repeatedly tried on the ring

She tried on the rings again and again, considering how they would fit together.


She took her time to determine the compatibility of each design.

and the compatibility of each design.


She chose "Tremolo" as the best match.

Tremolo" was chosen as the best match.





On the inside of the clasp are the names of the couple and their birthstones

and their birthstone, the amethyst, on the inside.

The result is a wedding ring that is even more uniquely you.





The matching feel was only possible because of the two of you.

Please enjoy the changes in the rings as you carve your memories into them in your own way.

Please enjoy the changes as well.


I look forward to hearing how your rings have changed.

I look forward to hearing how your rings have changed.


Hamada, creator


Wedding rings chosen with an emphasis on a sense of matching, which the two of you were able to achieve because you are two people.