2022.09.10 Singapore

Wedding rings with matching milling that sparkles on your hand.

When we first met the couple

They tried on many rings and

We were able to find their favorites.



Their favorites were still the same when we met for the second time.

The man chose amabile》.

The surface of the ring was made to be a calm matte color, and the milled pattern stood out.

The milled design stands out on the surface of the ring.



The woman's favorite was " Pianissimo ".

I love the design that not only the diamonds but also the milled stones of different sizes make the whole piece sparkle.

The design of the overall sparkle of not only the diamonds but also the different sized millets was their favorite.



Even though the bases of the rings are different, when they are placed side by side, they have a matching look.

We can understand each other's preferences and the fact that the two of you are always by each other's side.

It was so wonderful to see them searching for the perfect ring for each other.


The ring that they arrived at after a lot of thought and effort was perfect for them.

It was a perfect match for the two of you.


It's been about 4 months since we delivered the rings.

I think it's time for the couple to get used to their rings.


Milling has a wonderful meaning of "eternity" and "happiness continues.

We wish you many more happy years together.


Sato, creator



Wedding rings with matching milling that sparkles on your hand.