2023.09.15 Singapore

You're My True Love

Blue roses are elusive, and their calming color exudes a sense of comfort and serenity,

much like the familiar peace we find when locked in an embrace with the one we love.


Blue, the color of loyalty, also nods to our brand's colors.

When gifted as a rose, blue roses convey what the heart whispers:

You're my true love.



The excitement of crafting your made to order forever bands together,

the thrill of designing a ring to ask, 'Will you marry me?',

and the joy of creating an engagement ring to say the resounding 'Yes!'


We understand that these moments are pivotal chapters in your life.

'May the moments spent crafting your rings together become cherished memories'
- Ayu Takahashi, ith Founder



With a special bouquet prepared just for you,

may you continue to create magical moments with your true love at ith.


You're My True Love