2024.08.22 Singapore

25 Years Strong: A Reflection of Their Steadfast Love

In a world where love stories often seem fleeting,

it's heartwarming to encounter couples whose commitment stands the test of time.


Recently, we had the pleasure of crafting anniversary rings for a couple celebrating

a remarkable milestone – their 25th wedding anniversary!


As they embarked on this journey to commemorate their enduring love,

each chose a ring that encapsulated their unique bond.


Specchio the Mirror - Reflecting Our Years Together

The lady selected a ring named "Specchio."


In Italian, "Specchio" translates to "mirror,"

reflecting the depth of their connection and

the years spent reflecting upon each other's growth and unwavering support.


The number of diamonds was customised to her preference,

so that a timeless look would be achieved.


Pianissimo the Gentle - Quiet, yet Steadfast Over the Years

On the other hand, the gentleman opted for a ring named "Pianissimo."


The name, derived from the musical term meaning "very softly,"

symbolizes the quiet strength that has defined their relationship over the years.


The continuous milgrain beads that spans through the centre

symbolises love that is unceasing.


The ring was customised with two finishing,

mirror and hairline matte, to give it a refreshed, modern impression.


Pianissimo serves as a constant reminder of the gentle melodies woven into their journey together.

The Stories They Tell

What makes these rings truly special is the stories they carry

– stories of laughter shared, challenges overcome, and dreams pursued side by side.


As I witnessed the joy in their eyes while they admired their rings,

I couldn't help but feel honored to play a small part in their celebration.


These rings are more than just pieces of jewelry;

they are symbols of a love that has weathered 25 years of trials and triumphs,

emerging stronger and more beautiful than ever before.


Here's to the couple

– may your rings shine as brightly as the love that brought you together 25 years ago,

and may your journey ahead be filled with even more laughter and cherished moments!



Singapore Atelier: Keem


25 Years Strong: A Reflection of Their Steadfast Love