2024.05.15 Kashiwa

Wedding rings that express the couple's "bond"

The couple, who are expecting to get married in May 2024 visited our atelier in December 2023.


I remember how earnestly they discussed each aspect:


  • Whether the ring felt like a true wedding ring
  • The shape of the ring that fitted their hands
  • How to design a ring that symbolizes their connection

S-shape curve that fits the couple's hands

There are several types of rings with curved shapes.

Among them, the one that fit the couple's hands best was the S-shape curve of "Vivace".


"Vivace" is characterized by a bold upward S-shape curve, designed to fit comfortably along the left-hand ring finger and the webbing between the fingers.


In addition, as the design of the women's ring has a gorgeous diamond, for women with slender hands, there was a little concern that it might be too flashy for her hand.


Customizing a ring "in our own way"


The couple seriously considered the impression their rings would make.


Their ideas for the design expanded beyond just the appearance, drawing inspiration from the season that held special significance for them.



The key word was "May wedding."


The man's ring is finished with a "薫風" (early summer breeze) texture.


The woman's ring is adorned with five diamonds.


While incorporating a bit of playfulness and a seasonal design significant to the couple, they decided with a smile, "That's absolutely perfect!"



It's because they were particular about every detail, the rings looked great on their hands.


While looking at the shining ring on their hand, I hope they will remember the time they spent choosing the ring.



May is a month of new memories for the couple.

I hope they are having a wonderful time under the clear skies.


Concierge: Kinugasa

Kashiwa Atelier


Wedding rings that express the couple's "bond"