2024.08.12 Ohmiya

The Engagement Ring that Captured Their Hearts

As the sun set, the couple casually visited the atelier.


I vividly remember how they excitedly inspected each ring I presented to them.


Among the myriad of rings displayed, the man spontaneously pointed out a design, saying it "seemed to suit" her.


That moment marked the beginning of their destined connection.

Intuitive Choice



The design he pointed to was "Cuore."

When she tried it on, it instantly captured her heart.


"Cuore," meaning "heart" in Italian, is distinguished by its side profile, which forms a heart shape.


As I explained the design's significance and attention to detail, their excitement grew even more.


Although gentleman initially set out alone to choose an engagement ring, he couldn't decide on one and almost gave up.


His desire to find the perfect ring for her may have serendipitously led him to "Cuore."


It turned out to be an wonderful engagement ring filled with many "hearts."


Delivery Day


On the day of the delivery, the weather was stormy, with heavy rain and thunder.


Concerned about the severe conditions, they considered postponing the pickup.


Nevertheless, they seized a moment when the rain eased and made their way to the atelier.


After receiving the ring, they expressed their gratitude, saying, "Seeing the ring in person, we are glad we came today," which was incredibly fulfilling to hear.


May this engagement ring, which continues to shine unwaveringly, be a steadfast support for their hearts.


I sincerely wish them everlasting happiness together.


Concierge: Ishikawa

Ohmiya Atelier


The Engagement Ring that Captured Their Hearts