2024.07.27 Ohmiya

Wedding and Engagement Rings with a Personal Touch Residing on Your Hands


"Wanting stones that resonate with us in our wedding bands."

"Not quite sure what we want in an engagement ring, though..." were their initial feelings about the rings.


To align with these sentiments, I began their ring selection process slowly, listening carefully to their desires.

Matching Rings for Long-lasting Wear

For the wedding rings, they chose the "Arpeggio."


During the try-ons, the importance of "having matching designs" emerged strongly.

They both compromised a bit and chose the same shape of rings.



What they both valued together was the ability to "wear it comfortably over the long term without feeling out of place."


The "Arpeggio," with its simple double lines, was a perfect design for them both.

Unique Customizations for the Two of Them

With the matching ring shapes decided, the couple then personalized each ring to their preferences.



The gentleman opted for a slightly wider band, creating an appearance that complements his hands well. 


As for the lady, she followed through with her plan to incorporate gemstones, choosing their birthstones—amethyst and garnet—along with a diamond to represent their month of marriage.


The design places the diamond centrally, flanked by their birthstones, symbolizing their togetherness and the beginning of their married life.

Choosing an Engagement Ring with a Touch of Specialness

Next came the selection of the engagement ring.

With visible delight, she tried on various designs featuring large diamonds, a sight not commonly seen.


Among them, she chose the "Arrow," a design inspired by Cupid's bow and arrow.



She particularly liked how it looked when stacked with the wedding band. Milgrain —tiny bead-like decorations—added a sparkle distinct from that of the diamonds.


By opting for platinum, she enhanced the special feel of the engagement ring.

Days Ahead with the Rings

When it finally came time for delivery, I found myself unexpectedly nervous as I brought the box containing the rings to them.


Upon seeing the rings, they were visibly overjoyed.



Given their work schedules, they plan to wear the rings together on their days off.

I believe these rings will become symbols of joyful anticipation for those special days.


I sincerely hope that these rings will continue to bring happiness and joy to their lives.


Wishing them both a lifetime of happiness.


Concierge: Kasai

Ohmiya Atelier


Wedding and Engagement Rings with a Personal Touch Residing on Your Hands