2022.01.15 Singapore

A special wedding band that expresses the close relationship between two colors of base metal

The couple has a beautiful smile.

You came to ith in search of a ring that has the look and feel of a wedding band

and accent rings that are both wedding rings.


The ring you chose for the base shape is

a ring with a distinctive combination of colors.

Corolore and Arpeggio.





The surface of the "Corolore " has a hammered pattern.

The couple has a pair of rings with a hammered pattern

so we designed a ring without the hammered pattern.

so the hammered pattern was eliminated from the design.





To create a sharp impression, the men's ring is a flattened ring with a sharp edge.

To give a sharp impression, the men's ring was changed to a flattened shape with a sharp edge.

The finish of a clean impression.





The top of the woman's ring is decoratively carved with a star

By attaching a diamond to the top

the finish is feminine and accented.


The surface texture of the men's ring has a hairline finish and the women's ring has a mirror finish.

and the women's ring has a mirror finish.

Each of them had their own preference .


The two of them are good friends, so they agreed that a design with a little bit of a matching feel would be good.

The two of them are very close friends, so they decided to use platinum for the surface.






We could feel their individual tastes and how well they get along with each other.

It was a beautiful pairing.


I hope you will carve out wonderful memories together with the special rings that you put so much time and care into.

I hope you will carve out wonderful memories with these special rings that you have put so much time and care into.



Matsumoto, creator



A special wedding band that expresses the close relationship between two colors of base metal