2022.08.09 Singapore

Wedding rings chosen with the couple's uniqueness in mind and arranged with care.

Before they decided to get married, the

The woman was looking for a fashion ring on Instagram and

She stumbled upon ith's account.


She thought, "I definitely want to visit there when I make my wedding ring! She thought to herself, "I definitely want to visit ith when I make my wedding ring!



And then, when the couple decided to get married

Checking ith's Instagram together

They came to our atelier with their image of the wedding ring in their mind.



Bringing the image in our minds into shape


Men prefer a slightly rugged and cool atmosphere with hammered eyes, etc., and

Women preferred delicate and warm carved patterns.


After trying on many designs

We thought that it would be more appropriate to put the couple's preferred process only on one part of the ring rather than on the entire surface.

the couple realized that it would be more appropriate for a wedding ring to have only one part of the ring engraved, rather than the entire surface.



We decided to create a design that would allow for such an arrangement.

The couple chose "Allegro" as the base design.


It is a clean ring with a diagonal texture on the surface.



The man's half of the surface is hammered, while the woman's is carved with an anise pattern.



The metal and the process were chosen according to the couple's individual preferences.

The same base part was used to add a sense of matching.





Valuing the couple's uniqueness



The finished ring is exactly as we wanted it to be! We were delighted with the finished ring.


We hope that the ring will remain true to the couple as they spend many years together.

I hope you will continue to walk with your rings and cherish the "uniqueness of the two of you" as you spend many years together.


We look forward to seeing you two again!


Sakurai, creator

Customer's Voice




Wedding rings chosen with the couple's uniqueness in mind and arranged with care.