2021.06.25 Singapore

The comfort of the handmade ring and the man's words were the deciding factors for the wedding ring.

I don't know much about rings yet.

I don't know much about rings yet, so it's hard for me to find one that fits my needs."

The couple came to ith.


We had the couple try on many rings, from basic shapes to twisted, curved, and ornate designs, so that they could get to know the rings.


This one! When the man tried on the " Forte" ring, he really liked the comfort of the handcrafted ring.



When the woman saw how pleased the man was with the ring, she also commented, "I'm glad to see him responding so well to the ring.

I've never seen him react so well to a ring! She was also very happy to see the man's delight.


The ring the woman chose was a " Marcato" ring.

She loved the diamonds, which are beautiful from all angles, and the slightly moving shape of the ring.

and the shape of the ring, which has a little movement.


When trying on the ring, the man repeatedly said, "I like that!

when they were trying on the ring.



The couple chose their favorite shape, but the time they spent together thinking about it and worrying about it is a memory that they share.



After the delivery, the couple came to our atelier after their wedding with their rings.


I was so nervous! I was so relieved to hear their story, and it left a deep impression on me.



I hope you will continue to carve many wonderful memories with this ring.

I hope you will continue to carve many wonderful memories with these rings.


I sincerely wish you both a long and happy life together.

Creator: Hanai

Female: Wedding band " Forte " / Pt900 (platinum)

Female: Wedding band " Marcato " / Pt900 (platinum)






The comfort of the handmade ring and the man's words were the deciding factors for the wedding ring.