2023.04.25 Singapore

For Grainy and For Shining Days Ahead

"For better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health..."

The rings, though purposefully simple, carry the promise of the couple;
to hold each other with as much love as can, through grainy and shining days.

Thoughtfully Designed

We wanted to make a ring for her that was suitable to be worn everyday, even at work.

She works in the healthcare industry and has to carry heavy documents daily.


Comfortability was one of the key qualities we kept in mind.
After trying on many designs, we found that the roundness of "Andante" and "Blue Star"

appealed to her style and comfort needs the best.



Blue Star - Flower-Inspired Ring Design

A ring with a graceful appearance, perfect for a lady that has a confident demeanor

It was the design that made the usually reserved him say aloud:

"This one looks nice," when she wore it on.


Like the belief that Blue Star flowers symbolize determination and strength;

the ring carries the hope that the couple will take each step of their journey strongly,

and overcome adversities together, with determination.


Seeing Double

In Chinese culture, it is believed that good things come in pairs.

There's even a saying for it: 好事成双 (hǎo shì chéng shuāng).


Both her ring and his ring are made with the exact same arrangements,
from the choice of bullion, down to the width and texture finishes.


A pair of wedding bands that share a strong matching feeling,
it embodies the auspicious sentiment of pairness.



Although we only spent a short time together, I had the privilege to witness the strong affection they shared for each other.
Here's to a happy and blissful marriage ahead!




Singapore Atelier: Keem


For Grainy and For Shining Days Ahead