2024.08.17 Umeda

Wedding bands chosen by the family


"We want to create something we love through custom order."


The journey of selecting rings that reflect their personal tastes began.


Rings with captivating engraved designs




The couple had studied the design of "ith" very carefully.

They chose "Anis" without much hesitation.


The delicate, three-dimensional Japanese engraved pattern on the slim width of the ring gives it a beautiful shine, combined with the colour of the gold.

ith diamond



Within the Anis carving, a gem sparkles brilliantly.


This is the "ith Diamond," two stones derived from a single raw gem.


Setting one stone in each of their rings connects them both, serving as a beacon towards a happy future.





The significant difference in ring sizes, where one fits snugly inside the other, is endearingly sweet.

The long-awaited delivery day



"It's perfect," exclaimed the gentleman, who had been eagerly anticipating the completion.


Seeing their smiles was a joy for me as well, filling me with happiness.


The session ended with a family photo, including their child.

May you continue to live a wonderful married life together, full of closeness and happiness.


Concierge: Baba

Umeda Atelier

Customer's Voice



Wedding bands chosen by the family