2024.01.21 Jewellery Column

Circulation of Joy

The joy brought to those who make it

At ith, we focus on creating rings where the two individuals wearing them are the protagonists. We incorporate the unique preferences and sentiments of the couple into the ring-making process.

Reference: About ith

This literally means that we want the ring and the experience that comes from it to be full of joy for the customer who wears it, but we believe that the creation of the ring brings joy not only to the customer, but also to those of us involved in the ring-making.

Circulation of joy

Many people are directly or indirectly involved in the creation of ith's ring.

These include the concierges who collaborate with customers to think and support ring-making together, the craftsmen who elaborate their skills to create each ring, the production control staff who manage quality and delivery time, which is the most important factor, the advertising and sales promotion staff who convey ith's activities, and the outside craftsmen and creators who provide support with their advanced skills and expertise.

Each person specializes in their own area of work, and their respective contributions, as well as their involvement with ith's rings, may vary. However, each role ultimately contributes to the "value and joy for the customers". Although each person may not have the opportunity to meet customers directly, by hearing the joy and gratitude expressed by customers, we can feel that our work has contributed to someone's happiness. This allows us to recognize the significance of our presence.

The one who create the ring, the one who deliver it.

Through a single ring, the work that each person should fulfill, and the value of each person's presence are connected, reaching the person who wears it and creating joy. And that joy becomes the joy of the person who makes and delivers the ring.

In more grand terms, such a "Circulation of joy" is the value that we hope to create in society through the creation of rings.


ith Director: Yoshida


Circulation of Joy