2024.05.03 Ginza

Treasured Matching Shapes: Discovering Personal Favorites in Wedding Ring Fittings

When they first discussed wedding rings, both of them were unsure and had only a vague idea of what they wanted.


With so many options available, it's tough to visualize what will truly suit them just by thinking about it.


Interestingly, the impression of a ring can change depending on whether they're viewing pictures, trying it on, or showing it to each other.


I'll introduce how their ideas evolved into the final design.

Changing preferences

When it comes to wedding rings, many people think of platinum rings with a shiny texture.


Many people wish to choose a wedding ring design that is timeless and reflects their personal style, yet deciding exactly what to focus on can be challenging when it comes time to specify their preferences.


The gentleman usually do not wear jewellery at all, so he had no idea what he would like or suit his hand.





As he tried on the pieces, he was drawn to "Rosa" 's design.

He discovered something new: yellow gold, which they thought was too flashy, fits in well with his hand.


He particularly liked the subtle twist incorporated around the ring, which allowed it to be worn unobtrusively.


Originally envisioning a straight design and platinum color for a "wedding ring," he was quite surprised by this discovery.


As the lady tried on the rings, the design that attracted her attention was "Marcato."





Initially, she expressed a preference for a modest single diamond, thinking it would suit her best. However, when she actually saw the ring on her hand, she was drawn to the real sensation of marriage evoked by the sparkle of the diamonds.


Additionally, she had another reason for favoring the "Marcato" —  it was the significance behind the name of the ring.


"Marcato” is a musical term meaning "to play clearly, as if making a mark."

The ring embodies the hope that it will become a "couple's mark."


The lady, having a close connection to music in her daily life, we enjoyed a lively discussion about musical terms. 

Cherishing the Pair Feeling: "The Customization Discovered by the Two”




The pairing they found was to put each other's color inside.


The shape was matched to the "Marcato" that the lady liked, while the texture and color tone were brought closer to the atmosphere of the "Rosa" that the gentleman favored.


Through multiple comparisons and discussions about the rings, the lady made a particular suggestion.


The suggestion was to apply a different texture on the top part of his ring, echoing the contrast between the diamond and platinum in her ring with two textures.


This approach not only preserved the impression of "Rosa" but also honored the "couple's mark" of "Marcato." 

Meeting the rings





Two months later, the couple looked at the finished rings together.

"It's so pretty after all," they smiled at each other.


When we first met, the couple had not yet decided on a registration date for their marriage. However, upon further discussion, they shared a heartwarming sentiment, expressing a desire to have their rings arrive before they officially registered their marriage.


I was so happy to be able to talk about rings with the two of them, who seemed as warm as spring.

If there is any maintenance needs, please feel free to contact us anytime.




Concierge: Haraguchi


Ginza Atelier


Treasured Matching Shapes: Discovering Personal Favorites in Wedding Ring Fittings