2023.07.07 Nagoya

Rings Chosen by Concierges at the Atelier

We, who assist in crafting your rings, are not referred to as clerks or coordinators, but as "concierges."


They are called so because ith was started by the craftsman Takahashi alone, inheriting the initial thoughts since its foundation.


In assisting customers, we've encountered numerous rings, each imbued with their own story and dedication.


This time, shifting the perspective a bit, not featuring customer stories, but instead, I am introducing the rings chosen by concierges spending their days in the atelier.


I'll share various cases, including what perspectives the concierges, who interact with rings on a daily basis, used to make their selections, what they valued, and how their feelings toward their rings have evolved over time spent with them.




A Twist Design that Revives Memories



Wedding Ring: "Rosa" Platinum


A male concierge chose a ring with a twist around its circumference.

During fitting, his wife, who usually doesn't express desire for material goods, said, "This is the one."


It was a rare instance of her asserting herself so clearly.

Every glance at the ring brings back memories of that moment.



Gold on Gold: Wearing Different Designs on Each Hand


Engagement Ring: ※ "Bolla" Yellow Gold


Wedding Ring: "Loto" Yellow Gold


A thick width and yellow gold design were absolute requirements. Since the pairing ring was slender, a wedding ring with a significant presence was desired.


For the engagement ring, measured on the right hand since it's worn on the right. Despite the differences in design, wearing them on both hands has enabled the concept of "simultaneous wearing."


Fulfilling a long-held admiration for "Bolla," its bubbly shape felt even more endearing in custom-made.


※ "Bolla" is a wedding ring collection.

Inspired by a Compliment: "It Suits You"


Engagement Ring: "Onda" Platinum


Wedding Ring: "Rosa" Yellow Gold


Another concierge who was thinking of making an engagement ring with a stylish design that has an edge, was surprised when her partner suggested "Onda" which has gentle curve.


Anoter concierge, initially aiming for an edgy, stylish design for the engagement ring, was surprised when suggested "Onda" which has gentle curve by her partner.


Yet, it surprisingly suited her well.

And then, a man who loves the sea realized that "Onda," which means "wave," was the perfect choice for their engagement ring.


The wedding ring was chosen in stylish yellow gold, "Rosa," and they love the layered look with different colors.


The Importance of "The Same Shape": Aligning with the Partner's Choice


Wedding Ring: "Allegro" Yellow Gold


Interacting daily with rings, this concierge initially had a different favorite design.

However, discussing preferences with her partner led to a change in heart.


Though they had the option of choosing different designs, the most crucial aspect was "wearing the same shape."


By harmonizing their opinions on the same shape, while selecting the metal that suited each best, "Allegro" fulfilled their wishes with its duality.



Forged Wedding Ring Chosen by the Left-Handed Partner



Wedding Ring: ”Reticolo” Platinum


This concierge wanted to choose a design that could be made using the forging method, as per their partner's preference.

They were fond of the lattice-like, overlapping shimmering effect created by the craftsman.


Being left-handed, she experiences more contact with objects daily than a right-handed person might.

It wasn't a deliberate choice, but the fact that it was made using the forging technique, which adds a bit of durability, was reassuring.


"Being left-handed makes the wedding ring feel even closer," she says—a unique perspective from someone left-handed.




Even professionals experience shifts in sentiment over time

In interviewing the concierges who wear the rings, we've noticed that even though they may have a favorite design in mind through daily interaction with the rings, their thoughts and feelings evolve when choosing a ring together with their partner.


 If you encounter a concierge wearing a design featured here, feel free to strike up a conversation.


Concierge: Nagata


Nagoya Sakae Atelier


Rings Chosen by Concierges at the Atelier