2024.08.03 Nagoya

The preferences Discovered after Spending a Lot of Time


The couple was on a quest for a truly unique ring that felt "just right," and I remember vividly how much they enjoyed discussing their preferences and the special features they wanted on our first meeting.

The joy they took in choosing a ring was truly memorable.



During our second meeting, they continued to dedicate ample time to talk about rings, finally settling on a design reminiscent of joined hands, which they found particularly endearing due to its gentle, hand-comforting shape.



They both chose to incorporate their favorite features—Foresta engravings and a matte finish. The gentleman opted for Foresta engravings as the focal point, while the lady preferred a matte finish as her main feature.


Each ring reflects their individual tastes within a unified design, and they shared a delightful thought: as the years—five, ten, or more—pass by, there may come a day when they each admire the other's ring customization more, and even this will become a cherished memory, reflecting their unique journey together.




They've added a wonderful touch to their rings: a unique illustration inside that only the two of them know about. Both the inside and outside of the rings encapsulate their shared feelings, truly making them a pair that represents them both.



As they wear these rings over the years, I hope they'll enjoy seeing how they change and evolve, reflecting their journey together.


I'm genuinely looking forward to the next time we meet.


Concierge: Sato



Nagoya Sakae Atelier


The preferences Discovered after Spending a Lot of Time