2024.07.28 Nagoya

Putting the couple's feelings into colored stones

Engagement and wedding rings are significant, once-in-a-lifetime treasures. Many aspire to imbue these rings with personal significance and sentiments but often find themselves uncertain about how best to achieve this personalization.


At ith, numerous customers have found creative ways to infuse their rings with their unique styles and emotions.


This time, let me share stories of customers who have chosen to express their uniqueness and sentiments through "color stones" in their rings.


Engagement Ring Adorned with Both Partners' Birthstones

One gentleman came alone to our atelier to search for the perfect engagement ring.


Considering the longevity of the ring's wear, he chose the "Blue Star," known for embodying the essence of an engagement ring, and adorned it with both his and his partner's birthstones.


For the lady born in April, not only was the central diamond used, but blue diamonds were also selected for the sides.


On the opposite side, the gentleman’s birthstone for June, moonstone, was used, symbolizing the couple's lifelong journey side by side.



A Special Engagement Ring with a Blue Sapphire

The couple who visited our atelier together decided on an engagement ring featuring the lady’s birthstone, blue sapphire, set at the center.



Engagement rings are tangible symbols of affection. The model "Cuore," chosen by the couple, is aptly named after the Italian word for "heart."


This design is particularly meaningful as the setting, when viewed from the side, resembles a heart—embodying the essence of "heart" and reflecting the couple's specific desires.

When Hands Entwine: A Pairing of Personal Birthstones

For a couple with differing tastes—him favoring simplicity and her loving the sparkle of diamonds—the design incorporated each preference on the visible part of the rings while the inner sides held a shared secret.



The gentlman’s ring featured a ruby, the lady's birthstone, while the lady's ring showcased a sapphire, the gentleman's birthstone.


This design meant their birthstones would align beautifully when they held hands.

Commemorating a Special Anniversary in the Engagement Ring

While searching for their engagement ring, one couple settled on "Sofia," with a charming V-shape curve and made of the dreamy platinum they both adored.

Next to the central diamond, a subtle blue tanzanite adds a splash of color.


This stone, representing the couple's anniversary month, made the ring all the more meaningful.


Crafting a ring for a lifetime.

We look forward to the day we can help encapsulate your uniqueness and emotions into a ring. We are always waiting for you at our Nagoya Sakae Atelier.


Nagoya Sakae Atelier Concierge Team


Nagoya Sakae Atelier


Putting the couple's feelings into colored stones