2024.07.18 Nagoya

Matching wedding rings that feel serene presence even from a distance

The couple, already married, visited the atelier together.


They had set their hearts on the "Deserto" model they found on Ith's Instagram.

The handmade feel and unique impression captured their hearts.


With high expectations, they proceeded to try on the rings.






After trying on many rings, both of they felt a sense of satisfaction and decided on the "Deserto" model.


Among the numerous multifaceted designs, it stood out with its large surfaces and random shapes.


"They want it to have a presence even from afar."


The moment they saw the rings under natural light and could feel their presence from a distance, it became a major deciding factor.




The lady chose a different design that she liked, which featured decorative star carvings.


The result is a truly custom-made finish, combining both of her preferences perfectly.


Seeing this, the gentleman expressed his desire to add a unique touch to his ring as well.


After much consideration, he decided to make the band wider and incorporate star carvings to align with the lady’s ring.





The base metal was changed to platinum.

The surface was customized to a hairline finish.


To confirm the detailed specifications of the customization, we made a prototype ring for both of them.


By confirming details such as the size of the stars, the shape of the faces, and the width of the ring beforehand, just like in the actual product, I believe they were able to entrust us with confidence.


The wedding rings, crafted over time, are something we hope they will cherish for many years to come.



Concierge: Matsukawa




Nagoya Sakae Atelier


Matching wedding rings that feel serene presence even from a distance