2022.01.24 Singapore

Wedding rings that blend in with the skin with their delicate texture and unique luster

At first, they were interested in the hammered pattern.

They came to our atelier because they were interested in the hammered pattern.


We were very happy to see that they had looked at the ith website often.

I remember that I felt very happy.

I remember how happy I was.


They enjoyed trying on the many rings one by one.

They enjoyed trying on the many rings one by one.

The texture and luster blended well with their skin.

The couple preferred a matte finish that was not too sparkly and blended well with their skin.

and not too sparkly, and they liked the matte finish that blended well with their skin.


We also paid attention to the depth of the matte finish.

The couple also chose a ring with a wedding band that is

Piuma," which has a motif of bird's feathers.


The delicate texture and the unique luster

and the unique luster that spreads out in the shape of a "V".

and the unique luster that spreads out in the shape of a V.

Each of you can choose your favorite color.

The man chose platinum so that he can wear it at work without hesitation.

platinum color so that he can wear it at work without hesitation.


For the woman, we chose a color that matches her skin and the accessories she usually wears.

and their own skin.

gold color to match their skin and accessories they usually wear.


We hope that you will wear it for a long time

It is also possible to choose the color that is most comfortable for you

It is the charm of custom-made.

We hope it will be like a good luck charm for you.

Feathers have a very positive meaning, such as "leap" and "rise".

and "to go up".


We hope that the ring will be like a talisman for the couple

I hope that the rings will be like a good luck charm for you both.


We look forward to seeing you again

I look forward to seeing you again at our atelier.



Matsukawa, creator


Wedding rings that blend in with the skin with their delicate texture and unique luster