2021.08.28 Singapore

New wedding ring after 6 years of marriage



The couple, who were married six years ago, are

They were looking for a ring with their soon-to-be one-year-old child.

They came looking for a ring with their child, who will soon be one year old.

When they were first married, they originally had a pair of rings

a pair of rings they originally had as wedding rings.

wedding rings.

This time, they came to ith to have new wedding rings made

ith to have a new wedding ring made.




Taking the time to choose a ring with your child


At ith, we offer a relaxed atmosphere

at a pace that suits each and every one of you.

We will proceed with the selection of rings at a pace that suits each of you.

The couple with their children

You can try on rings one at a time, taking turns while also babysitting.

take turns trying on the rings one at a time, and


We took turns trying on the rings to find the shape that they liked best.





What impressions do you cherish?


The couple's favorite shape was the curve.

They were torn between two designs.

One was the "Legato, " with its rounded shape.

The other is

Grave," which has an edge.


Both have U-shaped curves.

The round one is cute and the edged one is cool.

The round one is cute, and the edged one is cool.

You liked them both, didn't you?

What was important to the couple was the "impression of the ring.

The impression of the ring.

The gentle impression of the slow movement of the Legato ring

The gentle impression of the Legato's relaxed movement, and the stately impression of the Grave.


The " Grave " has a profound and elegant impression.

The "Grave" has a dignified and elegant impression.




Considering the impression you want to show

The " Legato" was chosen for the impression he wanted to present.

The matte finish of their choice and the matching star

and the matching star decoration

and matching stars to create a design unique to the couple.





After a few years of marriage

as their family grows.

I hope that ith wedding rings will become a new part of your life

I was so happy to see the ith wedding ring

I was so happy to see it!

I wish the lovely couple and their family

I wish you and your family many years of happiness.



Creator: Takezawa


Male: wedding band "Leg ato" / Pt900 (platinum)

Female: Wedding band " Legato " /Pt900 (platinum)





New wedding ring after 6 years of marriage