2024.06.14 Umeda

Wedding Rings Encapsulating Each Other's Presence in Colored Stones

We tailored rings that will not feel outdated even after decades, perfectly fitting and comfortable in the hand. Let me introduce the couple's special rings.




A Preference for Unconventional Wedding Rings

"The sparkle of diamonds is important, but we don't necessarily want something that screams 'wedding ring,'" the couple shared their feelings.





The couple chose "Rosa," a design that evokes the moment a beautiful rosebud blooms.

Unique Touches for the Couple

Counting from both the start and the end of the diamond settings, the couple decided to place their birthstones at the eighth position.


For the man, the gemstone setting mirrored this position, a thoughtful detail.


(↓May birthstone: emerald)





"The number '8' holds significance for us," they agreed in unison.


(↓August birthstone: peridot)





Subtle Matching Details

Aligned with the woman’s vibrant flow of diamonds, the man’s ring features a glossy "mirror finish."





Further, the "honing finish" gave it a profound and weighty finish.






Warm Words After Delivery

"We are both extremely satisfied with the rings, which subtly reflect our personal wishes," they expressed their contentment.





Touching upon their mutual affection and consideration, I too felt a warm sentiment.


From the atelier, we continue to wish for the couple's happiness into the future.


Concierge: Katsuoka


Umeda Atelier


Wedding Rings Encapsulating Each Other's Presence in Colored Stones