2024.08.21 Yokohama

Engagement Rings Inspired by Summer Scenes

When you think of "summer," what images come to mind?


Perhaps you imagine the sparkling blue sea, the twinkling stars watching over you, or the sun-drenched sky dotted with fluffy clouds.


Today, I’d like to introduce engagement rings inspired by these summer scenes.

Rings Inspired by the Sea

When you think of summer, the sea might be the first thing that comes to mind.

The “Onda” ring is inspired by the waves of the ocean.

When worn, the flowing brilliance of the diamonds catches the eye, while the wave motif, representing “endless happiness,” is depicted on the side.


The design captures the movement of water, evoking the sound of gentle waves and a sense of playfulness despite its delicate appearance.

Rings Inspired by Sunflowers

The first summer flower that might come to mind is the sunflower.

The “Girasole” ring features this vibrant flower.

A large central diamond is surrounded by smaller diamonds, adding a touch of sunflower-like splendor.


With the sunflower symbolizing “only watching you,” this ring imbues special meaning to your engagement ring.

Rings Inspired by Rainbows

This summer, the weather has been unpredictable, with sudden rain showers.


There are also rings with a "rainbow" motif, which can only be seen when it rains.

The “Arcobaleno,” which means “rainbow” in Italian, uses vertical engravings to represent rain, and diamonds to symbolize the rainbow in the sky.


The engraving pattern and the yellow gold blend seamlessly, integrating the ring into daily life with subtle elegance.

Rings Inspired by Celestial Bodies

Finally, the “Cosmo” is inspired by celestial bodies.


On a cool summer night, you might look up to see a sky full of stars.


The “Cosmo” ring features diamonds arranged in an S-curve, creating a beautiful display on the finger.


This ring allows you to feel the stars you’ve admired together, making it a special piece of jewellery.


Choosing a Ring That Reflects Your Style


A ring is not just about design; it’s also about the thoughts and emotions you wish to infuse into it.


Choosing a ring based on shared memories or favorite motifs can be truly special.


I look forward to helping you select a ring that carries your unique sentiments.



Concierge: Kasai

Yokohama Atelier


Engagement Rings Inspired by Summer Scenes