2024.05.23 Nagoya

Wedding rings that sparkle on your finger

Simple yet uniquely tailored to their preferences, the journey of choosing an important ring that will accompany they both closely has begun.


As they tried on numerous rings, discussing together, "We should do it like this," "This one is nice too," time flew by quickly while they were immersed in conversation.



The ring they chose as a base was "Vivace."

They tried and compared the various shapes, straight and curved, and found that that the S-curve fits their hand perfectly.


The front features a feather motif with the "Piuma" engraving. By applying a star decor engraving that shines brighter amidst the soft glow of the engraving, it elevates their mood every time they move their hand.


Deciding on the position, size, and intricate details of the stars while drawing illustrations together was a truly enjoyable moment.




Then, as they first mentioned, they opted for a simple yet detailed design.


Because of its dual-sided form, they deliberately chose a simple mirror finish for the palm side.




They can enjoy their preferences from any angle with this unique pair of rings, tailor-made for them in the world.




The feather motif is said to bring happiness.

I wish them a lot of happiness in the future.


May you continue to spend wonderful days with full of smiles.


Concierge: Sato



Nagoya Sakae Atelier


Wedding rings that sparkle on your finger