2024.05.30 Nagoya

Wedding Rings That Cherish Each Detail, Just for the Two of You

The couple, attracted by ith's concept, came to us.


However, they did not have a specific idea of what they wanted in a ring and asked us to "tell them more!" I remember how they expressed their excitement.


The couple chose rings that respected each other’s tastes, featuring their favorite shapes and textures.


Adding Personality to a Simple Shape

The man, who prefers "simplicity is best," chose the "Marcato" ring.


The slight S-curve was a key factor for its comfort, particularly since he is not used to wearing rings.



To enhance the beauty of the curve, a "hairline finish" was applied, creating fine horizontal lines that blend well with the hand.


Furthermore, he wanted a bit of uniqueness in a simple form, so he opted for white gold—a color that offers warmth and perfectly suits his generous personality.


Adding a Handmade Touch to a Cute Shape

The woman, who likes cute motifs, chose the "Croce," which resembles a ribbon.


This ring, with two crossed lines, symbolizes their intertwined lives.




Featuring charming milgrain and a fine lattice-like "mese finish," the design exudes warmth through the artisan's craftsmanship."


The diamonds were set in her lucky number, "seven pieces," arranged closely to represent her attention to detail.


Cherish One Over Many

"Even though our preferred shapes are so different!" they remarked, yet they were very satisfied with the design that cherished each of their preferences.



Because they carefully shared their favorite shapes and textures, we reached this perfect pair.



Unintentionally, they also had a common element: both chose designs with ascending lines, subtly reflecting their harmonious relationship, which I found heartwarming.



It has been nearly two months since the rings were delivered, and I hope they are settling well on their fingers.


May these rings, unique to the two of them, continue to mark beautiful memories together.


I sincerely wish them both everlasting happiness.


Concierge: Kurosaka

Nagoya Sakae Atelier


Wedding Rings That Cherish Each Detail, Just for the Two of You