2021.09.05 Singapore

The one and only wedding ring in the world that we arrived at because we have different tastes.

" Matching Feeling ".


It's a wedding ring.

It is a point that many people worry about.


The two of you also had a lot of trouble deciding what part of the ring to match.

You must have had a lot of trouble deciding which parts to match.


During our first meeting

we realized that our tastes were not the same.

By the second meeting

We had a lot of discussions between the two of you by the time of our second meeting.


Then, the two of you decided on something.


" Matching shape. "

The design they chose was

Mobius Doe.


They loved the unique design with a twist at the top.

They loved the unique design with a twist at the top.

The man loved the shiny texture.

The man loved the shiny texture, and the ith original maze processing was applied to the top.

For women who like antique and diamonds, we added milling and diamonds.

milled and diamonds were added to the top.

yellow gold.

Although the colors and textures are different, they have the same shape.

but the same shape makes the pair look like a solid pair.

The result is a pair that feels like a solid pair.


We put a lot of thought into the design, which is why we were able to create a unique pair.

we were able to pack in a lot of uniqueness

We were able to pack in a lot of unique touches that made the couple feel like a couple.

I hope that the time spent choosing the rings, which took a lot of thought

I hope that the time spent choosing the rings was also a wonderful memory for the two of you.


I sincerely wish you both happiness.


Creator: Ogawa



Male: Wedding band "Mob ius Doe " / Pt900 (platinum)

Female: Wedding band "Mobius Do e" / K18YG (yellow gold)





The one and only wedding ring in the world that we arrived at because we have different tastes.