2021.09.20 Singapore

Wedding rings that made me happy with the unexpected matching



In reading ith's blog

I was interested in the process of surface treatment

and came to ith.

The couple is a regular jewelry lover and wears rings often.

and they often wear rings.

Curved shape is more interesting than straight shape

the curved shape is more interesting than the straight one.

and that they like curved rings better than straight ones.



Choosing rings that respect each person's preferences

Because they both love accessories

they both love to wear jewelry in general.

they are particular about what they wear.

and wear it for a long time.

We wanted to make sure that you will like and wear them for a long time.

and not to have matching rings.

We looked for a ring that would suit each of our tastes.

Even so, we both wanted to wear rings with curves.

We naturally chose a lot of similar designs.

Naturally, they chose many similar designs.

We were able to catch a glimpse of how well the two of them get along.

The final design we chose was

Marcato," which the two of them chose together.


Diamond or stardust finish?

The woman chose the "Stardust" design, which has a sparkling and fine shine.

called "stardust finish" which has a sparkling and fine shine.

surface finish called "stardust finish".

Just as important, the design of the diamonds

as much as they liked the design of the diamonds



She was concerned that if the diamonds were lined up

If the diamonds were lined up

would be too gaudy for everyday wear.

might be too flashy for everyday wear.

Diamonds are gemstones that are characterized by their brilliance.

is a distinctive gemstone, but it also has an elegant and subdued radiance.

but it also has an elegant and subdued radiance.

Also, by using pink gold for the metal of the ring

pink gold to reduce the whiteness of the diamond.

the whiteness of the diamond is reduced.

It is not too flashy in everyday life.

After being reassured that

lined with diamonds that she had longed for.

the diamonds of his dreams.


The matte finish gives a different impression depending on where it is placed.

The man liked the "honing" matte finish.

The man liked the "honing" of the matte finish.

It has a smooth and silky texture

The matt finish has a smooth and silky texture.


Where to put the matte finish

according to your preference.

For men

For men, we recommend the " MARUKATO

to emphasize the volume of the center

to emphasize the volume of the center.

the center part of the "Marcato" is processed to emphasize the volume of the center.

Finally, the same shape

with the same shape.

and the design

I was impressed by the couple's surprise and happiness

I still have an impression of the couple's happy and surprised faces.


They had been long-distance

their new life that started with their marriage, and

and their newly completed wedding rings.

I am sure they are now blending into each other's daily lives.

I hope they are now blending into each other's daily life.





Creator: Takezawa



Male: Wedding band "Mar cato" / Pt900 (platinum)

Female: Wedding band " Marcato " / K18PG (pink gold)




Wedding rings that made me happy with the unexpected matching