The couple was drawn to several wedding ring designs showcased on our website.
Intrigued by the process of custom made orders,
they were keen to understand how it all works.
Additionally, they eagerly wanted to contribute their own ideas in the crafting of their unique and exclusive wedding rings.
A Soft and Subtle Curve
In a vast array of rings, their hearts settled on "Marcato".
Its subtle midsection twist captivated them both.
The couple admires the graceful and flowing nature of the twist,
which imparted a modern yet timeless allure to the ring.
Diving into Textural Variations
We proceeded to discuss the various textures that can be incorporated into "Marcato".
One of these is the Mese Texture,
which imparts a mesh-like appearance, offering an alternative matte finish.
This intricate texture is meticulously hand-drawn line by line by our skilled artisan in Japan.
The couple greatly appreciates the concept and the craftsmanship behind it,
as it reflects the dedication and effort invested in crafting the rings.
They made the choice to incorporate the Mese texture at the front twist,
thus introducing a striking contrast of depth to the ring.
Shades of Blue and Green
A 4-Point Star Carving for their wedding rings.
Rather than the original 6-point star carving,
they opted for a 4-point star, resembling a simple cross,
adorned with their favorite colored gemstones.
The 4-point star symbolizes the distinctiveness of their wedding rings.
She's drawn to the deep blue of Blue Sapphires,
while he favors the lush green of Emeralds.
It brings me immense joy that they successfully finalized their wedding rings,
incorporating their own creative ideas.
Wishing them a lifetime of happiness in their marriage!
Concierge: Alicia