2022.01.07 Singapore

How to select diamonds and the "4C" evaluation criteria

A hard mineral, sparkling and fastened to jewelry. Isn't that the image you have when you think of diamonds?


If it is a diamond to be fastened to your engagement ring or wedding band, you don't want to make a mistake in selecting the right stone.

In this issue, we would like to share with you some tips on how to choose a diamond!



Things to consider when choosing a diamond


Diamonds are created by nature, and as a result, there are individual differences.

Each diamond is evaluated in detail by the GIA, an international professional diamond grading institute.


What are the "4Cs" of diamond quality evaluation standards?



There are various shapes of diamonds, but the round brilliant cut diamond is the most representative form of diamond and the one with the most detailed evaluation criteria. It has the conical shape that you may imagine when you hear the word "diamond.


Here, we describe the evaluation of the round brilliant cut diamond.



Points to check in the 4C's #1 - Calat

The carat is a unit of weight and is directly related to the size of the diamond.


Overseas, the size of the diamond is the most important factor, so large diamonds (over 1ct) are preferred, but in Japan, people tend to choose a size of 0.2 to 0.3ct, focusing on overall quality.


There are also customers who choose a more modest 0.1ct or smaller size for everyday use or to match with their clothes, and customers who choose 0.5-0.8ct for balance with the melee diamonds also encrusted on the ring arm.



Point 2 - Color - Points to check in the 4C's

Since diamonds are created by nature, they may have a certain color.

Diamonds are graded on a 23-point scale from D to Z. The closer the grade is to "D," the more colorless and transparent the diamond is, and the closer it is to "Z," the more yellowish the color becomes.


A color grade of "D to H" is considered appropriate for a bridal ring. However, this varies from ring to ring.


If the base metal is yellow or pink gold, the color of the diamond will not be as noticeable even if it is not a "D" color. Even a "G" or "H" color will be beautiful enough.


On the other hand, if the ring is made of platinum, "D to F" color diamonds will look beautiful.



Point 3 - Clarity - a point to be confirmed in the 4C's

This grade is related to the transparency of the diamond.

Because diamonds are created by nature, they may have inclusions or small flaws on the surface.

The grade is divided into 11 levels, ranging from no inclusions, flaws, or anything else to a state where they can be detected by the naked eye.


Diamonds with no or very few inclusions or flaws are extremely rare and valuable. As a diamond to be used in a bridal ring that will last a lifetime, we recommend that the transparency of the diamond be high.



Point 4 of 4C - Cut

Cut is the only part of a naturally occurring diamond that can be modified by humans.

Cut is graded into five grades, and ith engagement rings in particular are tailored using only the highest grade of "Excellent".


Other grades may be difficult to see on the finger.

The cut is directly related to the brilliance of the diamond, and you don't need to be an expert appraiser to see the difference.


The grade of "Excellent" is proof enough of a beautiful cut, but the higher grade of "3Exellent" brings out the beautiful brilliance to its fullest extent .


Which grade is more important is up to the individual.


I have mentioned four points.

However, it is not necessary to keep all of these points in mind when selecting a diamond.


Diamonds that are rated high in all grades will be more rare and valuable for that reason.


Whether you are concerned about size, purity in terms of color and transparency, or brilliance when it becomes a ring, each person has his or her own way of choosing.


Encountering a diamond is also a matter of fate, so it is a good idea to choose based on intuition.


If you are particular about the ring you choose because it will be a ring that will last a lifetime, it is likely to be a ring that you will put your heart into.




Incidentally, what happens to diamonds that are evaluated as unsuitable for the bridal ring?


Diamonds that are not set in bridal rings have various paths, but most are used in fashion jewelry, diamond polishing, and glass and metal processing.


Types of Diamonds

Did you know that there are actually diverse types of diamonds?


The first and most representative is the "round brilliant cut" discussed above, a cutting method with 58 cut surfaces designed to maximize the brilliance of the diamond.


There are many other types of cuts.


The rectangular "emerald cut

The square "princess cut

Teardrop-shaped "pear shape

Heart-shaped "Heart Shape

Antique "rose cut" ... etc.


I think it would be wonderful to change the type of diamonds according to the atmosphere of the ring you want to create.



In addition to shapes, there is another way to add originality by changing to colored diamonds.


In addition to transparent diamonds, yellow diamonds, pink diamonds, blue diamonds, black diamonds, etc. are rich in individuality.


Eternity rings," in which diamonds of the same shape and size are arranged in a row on the surface of the ring, are another design gaining popularity in recent years.


(Left: Main diamond is princess cut diamond / Right: eternity ring)



The shape and color of the diamonds on the ring can also be changed according to the customer's wishes, which is also possible only with custom-made rings.


I don't want it to be flashy, but I want it to be different from others.


We can make such a design come true at ith.

Please feel free to visit our atelier!



Sakurai, creator


Reference: About Diamonds

About diamonds

About eternity rings

Make your own wedding ring with diamonds!



How to select diamonds and the "4C" evaluation criteria