

July Birthstone

Zodiac stones for Aries, Leo and Scorpio


Characterized by its bright red color, it is colored with the element chromium (Cr), which gives it a vivid red hue. The name is derived from the Latin word "rubeus," meaning red.

Gem Language

Pure love, deep affection, passion, courage, freedom

Colors to choose from with


Arrangements to choose from with

  • Center Stone
  • Headstone
  • Inside Stone
  • Anniversary

Care Instructions

Routine care

Wipe off any dirt with a soft cloth, and when storing, make sure that the jewels do not touch each other.


Dissolve a neutral detergent in lukewarm water and tap the surface of the jewellery with a soft toothbrush to lift out oil and sebum stains. Then rinse well with lukewarm water and blot dry with a dry cloth.

If you are worried about dirt

Jewellery tailored by ith can be cleaned, so please consult us first.

Reference Information

Hardness 9
Toughness Extremely High
Stability Extremely High
Colors found Red